Cancer remission: What is it exactly


Many people seem to have a distorted and incorrect definition of the word “ remission ,” as it is used in conjunction with cancer patients. Most people seem to believe that going to remission means that the patient is treated and safe.

However, according to the American Cancer Society, remission of cancer is a “period when the cancer is responding to treatment or is under control. The most cancer remission , all signs and symptoms of the disease disappear … complete remission of cancer may continue for several years and considered cured. “

So, someone who goes cancer remission does not show signs of cancer. It does not matter how many cancer cells are still going strong and growing in the body of the patient, for the time it does not cause “symptoms” patient is said to be in remission.

Oddly enough, there is not much covered in advertisements for traditional cancer treatments for an extension of the length of life for the patient. And there are not many discussions about the quality of life of the patient.

These two concepts are not a factor in when talking about “ remission of cancer ” in patient.Typically speaking, cancer remission direction shrinkage in tumor size or altering some of the tumor markers. Tumor markers are substances, usually proteins, which are produced by the body in response to cancerous growth or tissues. However, much of the markers also found in non-cancerous conditions so they are not really a good diagnostic tool for cancer.

Traditional cancer therapies are successful in shrinking tumors and reducing tumor markers. For this reason, after the administration of cancer is used as an indicator of “successful” cancer.

Cancer remission does not necessarily mean the patient does not die. For example, a patient is said to have been treated for cancer if the therapies put them into remission, even if they die from pneumonia. Despite the fact that the pneumonia was only fatal cancer treatments, because cancer remission hand, it was successful treatment.

most people, no treatment that still results in death should be considered successful. But when it comes to cancer remission , that’s exactly what can happen when they pursue only traditional cancer treatment options.

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