High School Math Classes – Tips for remembering Popular formulas


One of the most difficult issues for many math students is the fact that high school math classes are recipe dependent. Some students have difficulty memorizing formulas. Other students can memorize formulas without difficulty, but do not understand how to use the formula, or do not understand what the result of the formula does. If you get into any of these categories, then success in math class will be difficult to achieve. There are, fortunately, some tips and techniques that can help

formulas fall into two main categories :.

1) Computational Skills. This is the type of formula that typically arise in Algebra and is particularly difficult to understand because the symbols often have no meaning. Memorize that a ^ 2 – b ^ 2 = (a + b) (a – b) may be easy, but it may have absolutely no meaning for you and will therefore have little value to you. The technology that we will discuss is especially important for this type of formula.

2) Obvious Real-Life Application. This is a more in geometry and trigonometry. They are easier to understand, but the techniques can help with this as well

Tips to remember formulas :.

1. Understand the importance of the most important formulas that they state relationships always exist – are always true. This means they can always help you! However, for formulas to help you, they must have meaning for you. Computational formulas take considerably more effort to create the meaning. We will discuss this well # 3

2. Memorize the formulas as you encounter them. You may be able to do your homework just by looking at the formula, and not wait until the night before the test to try to memorize many formulas. Working with formulas you encounter them and get them into long-term memory immediately will ensure that this information is learned forever and not just for testing.

3. Memory formulas in symbols and words. The formula d = RT will not have as much meaning or kept as long as the word version: distance is equal to the speed / velocity multiplied by the time the rate

This can be more difficult. computational formulas, but it is worth the extra effort. For example: the formula a ^ 2 – b ^ 2 = (a + b) (a – b) how to factor the difference of two perfect squares. “To element” means to “re-write the multiplication.” Thus, the recipe should be read as: “. The difference of the squares of the two numbers, written as multiplication, is equal to the product of the sum and difference of the two numbers”

4. Always read the formulas as complete thoughts or sentences. Formulas must always have the same sign. Thus, the formula for the distance is not rt. The formula for the distance d = RT.

5. Always confirm that the formulas are true. For example: The difference of two perfect squares might look like 25 – 4. Obviously, the value is 21, but if we get this value using the formula we will have established formula. Is described by formula, 25 – 4 could be written as 5 ^ 2 – 2 ^ 2 and would like element (5 + 2) (5-2). = 7 (3) = 21. Thus, the formula is confirmed

6. Know how to mark answers recipe and what the answers mean. Be specific reading formulas. Since all the area formulas start with A =, it is better to add more information. The A = (PI) r ^ 2, it is best to read what “. The area of ​​a circle equals pi times the square of the radius of the circle” Be sure to remember this area is always measured in square units.

Probably the best way to learn formulas to make flash cards and you encounter new formulas. Do 2 sets of maps. The first set should have the formula name on one side – Triangle Area – and the full recipe on the other side -. A = 1/2 b H

The two sets of cards should have a recipe on one side – A = 1/2 bh – a worded version of the formula on the other side – the area of ​​a triangle is equal to half of the base product times the height of the triangle

When working with flash cards :.

a. Have someone working with you,

b. Only work for about 10 minutes at a time, but

c. Make several sets a day until all the memory and meaningful

Final thought:.! Do not just learn the popular recipe – master them all
