ASVAB Math Trick: share with numbers ending in zero


One ASVAB material potential military recruits struggle to make accurate mathematical calculations without a calculator. In this article I will show you the math trick for how to quickly replace the numbers that end in zero without having to write down the exact calculations.

Now you may think that not any number that shows up in the ASVAB ending in zero and will have a shortcut. However, keep in mind that the ASVAB will often give an approximate answer, which means that if you can answer that is close enough to the real answer, your answer will allow you to exclude the wrong decisions because they will be so far off.

Therefore, if you perform a calculation that does not necessarily end in zero, simply your traffic to make it end in a zero, and then apply a mathematical trick that I’m going to show you.

If you’re sharing with a range of a factor of 10, for example, if you divide 10 by 10, the answer is 1. Now may be leading you because the number divided by itself is. However, think about this differently. The number 10 ends in one zero. It means you have to reduce this value by a factor of 10. On paper, this means simply taking imaginary decimal end number and move one space to the left.

Let’s apply this to a complex number. If you must have the number 30 and you divide it by 10, 30 divided by 10 equals 3.

You can think of this as taking invisible decimal and moving it from left zero to between 3 and 0, giving you figure 3.

Now something more complex, 231 divided by 10 Once again you take that imaginary decimal 1, move it one space and it gives you 23.1.

We can even apply this to more complex problems. For example, 86.9 divided by 12. We can begin to simplify all have to read something like 100 divided by 10. That’s because 86.9 rounds up nicely to 100 and 12 rounds down 10. One hundred divided by 10 is 10. This will help us exclude the ridiculous decisions that are, say, under 10 or well over 20 or 30 or 50, which is something ASVAB fun to do.

The next thing we can do is to make simplifying a little less broad focus on the accurate answer if you have two choices left. This time we will hold 86.9 currently, but still around the number 12 down to 10

Now that we have a value that ends at 10, simply move the decimal back one space. 86.9 will now 8.69. but remember we raised 12 down to 10. This means that the number of our need to be slightly higher.

Since we rounded down from 12 to 10, our answer will be rounded down slightly. So for example, if you see 86 that one possible answer, know that this is wrong because we have to realize that we rounded.

Now is really the answer 7.24 and rounding our trick got us close enough that you will probably be able to achieve the answer choices have ruled everything else out and ultimately have saved so much time.
