

The branch of philosophy that aims to examine the foundations, assumptions and philosophical presuppositions of mathematics is called philosophy of mathematics .

If one considers the historical evidence thinkers who promote ideas pertaining to mathematics, are examples aplenty. These are the two main categories philosophers mathematics Western and Eastern Philosophers Philosophers

Western philosophers have some great names attributed to them, such as Plato and Aristotle .. Plato concentrated study of mathematical objects, especially ontological status. Aristotle, on the other hand, contributed to the field of logic infinity.

There was a great mathematician Leibniz, which focused primarily on the relationship between logic and mathematics.

study of philosophy, math is made interesting because of the following factors mathematics

o Mathematics based on a countless number of abstract concepts

o Wide application of mathematics :. It can handle multiple activities date our to-day life, as well as its application in physics, chemistry and even biology

o Infinite :. This idea is a peculiar man and has always attracted the interest of many philosophers

relationship between. mathematics and logic is one issue that has been a recurring one in the philosophy of mathematics. In the 20th century, the philosophy of mathematics is about set theory, proof theory, formal logic, and other such issues.

Violations of the 20th century, there were several schools of thought that philosophers mathematics held. At this time, three schools emerged, namely: intuitionism, logicism and formalism. In the early twentieth century, was also the emergence of a fourth school of thought: predicativism. Any issues that would come up at the time, each school would aim to resolve it or argue that the fact that mathematics is not as inevitable as opposed to those who believe mathematics to be “the most trusted knowledge”.


There is a thesis that mathematics can be reduced to logic, thereby making it a component logic. According to the movement, the foundation of mathematics lies in logic and therefore all statements of mathematics are nothing but logical truths.

Simply put, this thesis suggests that mathematics is nothing but logic in disguise.


This is attributed to the work of Brouwer. Intuitionism says that mathematics is an act of construction. This includes mental structures.

This reform program methodology of mathematics, it is believed that there are no mathematical truth that has not been observed.


This program is considered works of David Hilbert. According to Hilbert, natural numbers can be thought of as a symbol, and not as mental structures, as opposed to their theories Intuitionists. These symbols are the main parties. And as far as higher mathematics is concerned; His statements are strings of symbols, which have been interpreted as yet.


Usually, predicativism would not be considered as one of the primitive schools. This program is considered works of Russell.

Now let’s turn our attention to other contemporary schools of thought that have emerged in recent times.

Mathematical Realism

This application but the math is not invented by man, it is only discovered. For example, shapes such as circles and triangles in nature like a real party.


It is a form of realism. According to empiricism, math is not possible to believe that knowledge without experience (Priory).

Math facts can be discovered by empirical research. All knowledge is acquired due to the observation that we take in through our senses.


Followers of this program in the belief that mathematical statements can be viewed as the consequences of a number of procedures applicable on the strings of numbers. There is another version of the formalism: .. Deductivism

There have been many cases mathematicians have been intrigued and drawn this matter of mathematical philosophy because of the sheer sense of beauty they perceive in it

One can only to the fundamental philosophical question, which is beginning to get the publicity it is worth: What is the mathematical understanding
