Five Lucid Dreaming Techniques


lucid dreaming is the ability to know that you are dreaming. Here I observed five lucid dreaming techniques to achieve and learn lucid dream state

one :. Know you’re dreaming. For practice, the day when things get stressed or you find yourself in an unusual situation, ask yourself if you are dreaming. Finally, when you dream, you ask you will ask yourself the same questions. It is at that point that you control a lucid dream and determine its performance

Two :. Stages lucid dreams. Allan sleep six or more hours, the body goes in and out of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. As you draw closer to the waking state, your body will have less non-REM sleep is the deepest stage of sleep. REM sleep is as lucid dreaming and creating, most available right awakening. It is here that you will find the best lucid dream recall your

Three :. Good dream recall. In the dream, remember you wake up really yourself to remember what you dreamed. Use a journal to write down what it is that you remember. Remember the time will come faster and clearer. People sometimes jarred awake by the alarm clock will be able to recall your dreams clearly. This is due to the disruption of a lucid dream state has happened. Writers use dream recall to help develop the characters in their story lines. Difficult mathematical equations have been worked through in lucid dreams. The trick is to train your mind to wake so you can remember your dream (s)

Four :. Mnemonic induction lucid dreams. These are long term for the abbreviation, Mild technology. This is a method to wake up after five hours or so to tell you that you are dreaming. This differs from the first of these five steps, but essentially similar effect; reprogramming your brain to remember that it is dreaming. With mild you ask consciousness to know and remember lucid dreams. After time, you will not have to wake yourself to do this. Your body will know what you want

Five :. The Nap induced Lucid Dream or Nilda, technology. Four (mild) you wake up, you said that you are dreaming and let you go back to sleep. By Nilda alert and be aware of one, maybe two, hours. This method seems to be effective to obtain a lucid dream. Remember, your senses never sleep. So allow you to go back to sleep for six or more hours of sleep will put you in REM sleep. The body has already completed more severe sleep it needs.

Learn to identify and manage a lucid dream state. Not only is it fun, but it can be useful in figuring out life struggle in a relaxed state.
