Beautiful Faces – A Historical Perspective of mathematics and beauty


Today, more than any other period in history, it’s overwhelming pre-job with beauty. For centuries, poets and artists have been unsuccessful in creating a consistent definition of “beauty”. There have been many artistic interpretations, but the comparison mathematical definition is not available and necessary.

Historically previous attempts food attractive biological standards have created a good tool, but not good definitions. According to the Pythagoreans in ancient Greece, “Everything is arranged according to the figures.” There was speculation that mathematics unifying force between life, art, God, and the universe. By viewing figures and the Pythagorean theorem, it was thought that perfection, harmony and balance would be revealed.

Leonardo Fibonacci, a mathematician in the 13th century Italy charted population of rabbits and discovered a number series from which the Golden Ratio is derived. The sequence of the series is the sum of the two preceding numbers. The number series begins with a series of “0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 …” and continues to infinity. From this series, Golden Ratio is produced by dividing each number in order of the number as before. The ratio continues and eventually converges what is known as Phi (1.618 …), named after Phidias, Greek sculptor.7,8 The mathematical concept of golden ratio has had a major impact on aesthetics because it argues for analysis. It does not, however, provide a definition of facial beauty.

Regardless of age or nationality, it’s all beautiful face, a certain proportion and harmony between the facial part. The proper equilibrium ratio between facial features is very pleasing to the eye. Consider locate brow, eyes, cheeks, nose, lip and chin to face height. According R.M. Ricketts, DDS, the ratio of the distance from the eyes to the nose base, and from the labial commissure to the chin, is 1: 1 in normal face. The ratio of the distance from the nose to the bottom of the labial commissure, and one of either of the two previous distances (0.618 …) This is an example of the golden face relationships. This golden ratio can also be used for analysis of the aesthetic contact face. Stephen Marquardt, DDS, has used the golden ratio to create a pentagram-based surfacing facial features are located, as an analytical tool, according to this ratio.

In today’s world, modern language computerized communication requires repetitive mathematical data. It is important for artists and surgeons to develop a mathematical equation that accurately assesses, defines and compares the face (a) beautiful, (b) attractive, (c) the average, or (d) unattractive.
